ARACON® Products

ARACON® is a high strength conductive fiber made from KEVLAR®, the same material used for bullet resistant vests. Our engineers quickly recognized that by substituting the ARACON® fiber in place of the silver plated copper braid traditionally used in our coaxial cables, we had the potential to reduce the weight by up to 30% and have a stronger connector attachment.

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Available variantes:

  • ARACON® Braided EMI Shields

    Available in various types of tubular braided EMI shielding for your most demanding applications.

  • ARACON® Fiber

    Combines the conductivity of an outer metal coating with the strength, light weight, and flexibility of aramid fibers

  • ARACON® Ribbon

    Ideal for shielding problems that do not allow a tubular braided material to be applied

  • UTiFLEX® Flexible Microwave Cable Assemblies

    Microwave cable assemblies constructed using a low or ultra-low-density PTFE dielectric coupled with fully shielded outer conductors and a unique connector attachment that withstands mechanical and thermal stresses far better than standard connectors.